Sunday 15 September 2013

Southport AirShow

 On Saturday we went to the Southport Airshow. I really enjoyed it. We saw the Red Arrows, Blackcat, Spitfire, Seaking, Typhoon, Battle of Britain memorial flight and lots more. There was lots of Army stuff there too and I got to sit in an army truck. We also saw some Lego creations. My favorite was a space base.
Here are lots of pictures that me, my dad and mum took.

Monday 2 September 2013

My Summer Holiday

I had lots of fun during my summer holiday! We went to Norfolk for our holiday where I got to climb a rock wall, go on water rollerz, visited a dinosour park, went on the beach, had a horse and cart ride, swimming in the indoor pool and on the big water tunnel slide, and the entertainment at night was really good. Our favourite place to eat was the American Diner near the beach.

Lego mini figures series 11

The new series 11 of mini figures are out, so far I have got two, the Evil Mech and the Scarecrow. My dad has also got one which is the Welder.