Wednesday 31 October 2012

29th October 2012

   Today we went to Woburn Safari park. We saw Elephants, Tigers, Deer and Zebras. A Giraffe walked past our car, he was very tall!!
   We drove through the Monkey enclosure and watched some monkeys jump on some of the cars.
Then we drove back home, it was a long journey. We got back at 6pm.

28th October 2012

Today was my mum's 40th Birthday.
  After breakfast we got the 8.15am train from Apsley to London Euston. At Euston we got the tube to Leicester Square, we saw Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. We then got on a tour bus and saw Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and Tower Bridge. We got off to see Buckingham Palace and we saw a parade of guards.

27th October 2012

We set off to go down south at 10am and got there at 2.30pm. Our hotel room was 509 and floor 5. We could see the canal from our window. I got a mini figure and a club penguin book.

Friday 19 October 2012

Halo 4 Lauch Trailer

 Here it is the new trailer for Halo 4. It looks great, going to get this game for my Birthday! ;)

Sunday 14 October 2012

My New Bat Cave

I have built a Lego Batman cave with a Bat car and Bat jet and also a Bat boat. It also has different Bat suits and a Robin helicopter, Robin car and Robin bike. I got the idea after seeing someone else's bat cave.....

My Dragon Story

Many moons ago there lived a dragon called Inferno. He livid with his mum dragon. Inferno was a happy little dragon most of the time but he couldn't breath fire. One early morning Inferno decided to fly to the volcano. Inferno got there in 20 mins. The volcano was very hot. Inferno fell on to a cactus, it was very spiky, a wizard popped out. The wizard said get out of my bush or I will turn you into a frog! Inferno jumped out of the bush, the wizard stopped shouting at Inferno. The wizard asked Inferno what his problem was, the wizard went to the castle with Inferno. It took lots of time to get it right, but soon the wizard got it right in half an hour, Inferno could breath fire. Inferno started to head back to his cave, he slept on a very sandy beach. For Inferno's breakfast he eat slippery fish and then he went back home. When he got home all his friends wanted to see his fire. They had a very big party with Bob the blue dragon, Ted the black dragon and all of his friends.

Monday 8 October 2012

Battlefield Live

On Sunday I went to my friend Alfie's  birthday party, which was at battlefield live. We had a great time running around with guns, playing different games and getting muddy! :)