Friday 28 June 2013

Leyland Festival

 It was Leyland Festival the other weekend. Here are a few pictures of some of the things that were going on. It started with a procession through Leyland with lots of trucks and people dressed up, then it all went down the the local park.
  There they had really big kites flying, some big trucks to sit in and really big hot dogs :)

School Sports Day

Here are a few pictures taken from when we had our School Sports Day.
 Our team did ok on the day and came 3rd after races through the whole day from all the years. I did well in my races and even dad had a run, but didn't do as good as me :)

Visit To Rufford Old Hall

 Here are a few pictures of me and my family the day we went to visit Rufford Old Hall, it was not to far away to travel and we had great weather.
 The gardens were really nice and we got to see some old armor and swords.